Monday, January 30, 2006

Wow! Six or seven people have actually stopped by to read. That makes me very self-concious about the fact that I haven't posted an original thought in quite some time.

Well, here's a good story about the dumbest damn thing I ever did as a teacher (so far):

Once upon a time I was stupid enough to agree to organize the field trip to the local amusement park.

Mistake number one.

Part of the funzies of that job was hiring buses to transport the kids to the park. I did this.

Then the school district got all hinky about "frivolous" field trips (I'm of the opinion that there's no such thing, but I've got a husband who claims that pretty much every field trip EVER is frivolous, so there are clearly Views on this subject) and said they couldn't be scheduled after a certain point in time.

This point in time was before when I had set up our trip. So I had to reschedule. My original choice of dates had been based on the fact that the preferred bus service was unavailable on any earlier dates.

So I set up transportation with a different carrier two weeks earlier.

And then there was all the fun of collecting money and forms and distributing information and threatening children with their very LIVES if they did not ACT RIGHT (oh wait, that was this afternoon at the grocery store, hang on, let me regain focus...) and all the other fiddly nightmares that all teachers know come with setting up a field trip.

Then the day came and we all went and sunburns and overindulgence and sicking up on the Borg Assimilator and whatever went down and it was generally agreed to be a fantastic trip.

And then we came back and went on with our lives. Two weeks went by.

One morning we are all baffled by the presence of four charter buses sitting in the front driveway. Why are there four charter buses in our driveway, we all wondered. There are no more field trips scheduled.

Guess who forgot to cancel the original buses? Guess how much chartering four buses costs.

If you can out-dumb that, I wanna hear about it.


At 10:14 PM, Blogger Holley Wilson Mayville said...

Doppelganger (sorry, I'm obnoxious like that).

Yeah, charter buses are expensive, but not quite THAT expensive.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Goldie said...

You had to warn me it was a scary story!


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